Friday, 19 July 2013


Health News 101: The type of fat you eat on a daily basis is so important to your health and longevity and will have a great influence upon your organs and weight. Choose healthy fats called essential fatty acids. They are essential because the body cannot manufacture them and they are essential for health e.g extra virgin olive oil.
Body perfect 101: Keys to permanent weight loss
D – Dedication and discipline
I – Inspiration
E – Eat right and exercise
T – Team work

1)    Listen to your body: Don’t eat when you are not hungry, have a piece of fruit, a small vegetable salad or a glass of water instead. Conversely, don’t put up with hunger pains if unfulfilled they can lead to an ulcer or hypoglycemia. Don’t place your meal around the clock that is when eating becomes a habit and people will eat say 8am, 1pm and 7pm come rain or shine, appetite or not. It’s much healthier to place your meal times around your hunger in the same way that children do and pay less head to the clock. If you are in the habit of eating regular meals when you are not hungry, your liver will be working for too hard and will basically suffer with exclusive wear and tear just like arthritic joints that are overused.
2)    Drink at least ten to twelve glasses of filtered water daily: As this helps to cleanse the liver and kidney and aids with weight loss. Your body requires small and frequent sips of water otherwise your cells struck with dehydration and then membrane dry out. How do plants look like if you forget to water them? Timid and wilted, and that is how your cells look with the microscope after going without sufficient water. By drinking adequate water you will reduce your chances of degenerative disease. There is a higher incidence of Alzheimer’s disease in people who do not drink adequate water. Drink water continually throughout the day and avoid large amount of fluid with meals.
Avoid eating large amount of sugar especially refined sugars as this will be converted into unhealthy type of fat called triglyceride. Many people become fat on a low fat high carbohydrate diet and the stomach gets bigger.
Avoid artificial sweetener aspartame found in diet colas and some diabetic foods and can cause hypoglycemia and fatigue. If you desire something sweet, use fresh raw fruits, sun-dined fruits, or stevia (a naturally sweet herb)
3)    Avoid food that you may be allergic to or that you know from past experience upset you. If you have a weak digestive system and feel bloated and hairy after a meal you can take digestive enzyme tablets with meals. Always chew your food slowly and thoroughly as digestion begins with salivary mixed with food in the mouth. As people age, the production of hydrochlorine acid from the stomach often becomes inadequate for efficient digestion of proteins and this can be overcome by sipping a small glass of water containing one to two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar drink every meal. The most common foods to cause intestinal irritated irritable bowel syndrome are gluten or dairy products e.g milk, butter, cheese, cream and ice-cream. This is because these foods contain reactive proteins and lactose, and many people feel much less bloated when they avoid these foods completely. Don’t overdose on coffee.
4)    Do not eat if you feel stressed or anxious as doing these states your blood flow is diverted away from the intestines and liver to other areas of the body. Eating at these times will lead to abdominal bloating and poor digestion.
5)    Avoid constipation by eating plenty of raw fruits and vegetables and by drinking water regularly throughout the day and taking a bottle of the Body perfect, perfect cocktail daily.
6)    Avoid saturated or damaged fats as these will harm your liver if you eat them regularly. These unhealthy fats can cause liver damage with increased chances of a fatty liver similar to that seen in heavy alcohol consumption. Many weight watchers try to follow a completely fat-free diet, believing that this will speed up weight loss, however, if this is done for more than four weeks. Symptoms of essential fatty acids deficiency will start to occur. Furthermore, if you completely exclude health fats namely essential fatty acids from your diet, your metabolism will slow down leading to easier weight gain. Symptoms of essential fatty acids deficiency include:
i)                  Dry and itchy skin
ii)               Eczema
iii)            Ham loss
iv)             Joint pains
v)                Reduced fertility
vi)             Depression and poor memory
vii)          Premature aging
viii)       Reduced immune functioning.
Obviously, these healthy essential fatty acids are vital for normal human metabolism and you definitely don’t want to be deficient in them.


FLAX-SEEDS: Cholesterol zapper, blood sugar stabilizer and detoxified. These seeds contain 40 percent oil and are the number one source of ALA – Alpha Linolenic Acid, an essential fatty acid required for efficient metabolism. Flax-seed are also a superior source of lignans, plant estrogen known for their ability to fight cancer, keep viruses at bay, and balance hormone levels. It also been shown to reduce insulin resistance which in turn, has a positive impact on estrogen levels and breast cancer risk. And since insulin resistance is an early warning sign for type2 diabetes, flax seed may also provide protection against this disease which is currently an epidemic. It contains prussic acid, which improves digestion. It minimizes cholesterol absorption and lowers cholesterol levels.

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