Thursday, 31 January 2013
EAT AND EXERCISE(Managing your habits)>>>>>1.EAT IN MODERATION(PROVERBS 23:2)This simply means eating less, and making healthier food choices.For someone who is anorexic,it means eating sensibly-The right things in the right potions to keep the body healthy.
2.Get the right amount of exercise(Genesis2:15)>>>>Overweight people do not want to hear that.We blame a slow metabolism as the reason we can't lose weight,and it is probably true for most people .But some are skinny and still have terrible eating habits.They are sneaking by because they have a high metabolism.While many overweight people envy you,you might be a glutton .As a nutritionist,we can't use slow metabolism as an excuse to be overweight-we have to get our body moving!We have to exercise to get our metabolism going,If you do enough exercise and eat less,you are likely to lose weight...
Wednesday, 30 January 2013
"My son,give attention to my words,incline your ear to my sayings.Do not let them depart from your eyes;keep them in the midst of your heart;for they are life to those who find them,and health to all flesh."(proverbs 4:20-22).
The first place to start with lifestyle changes is the bible. The word of God.
What did grandma eat?And what did her grandma eat? ...........I bet you can't really think back that far,perhaps you could imagine.picture your stereotypical white-haired and wrinklied grandma full of wise advice and all the answers.for the most part,this grandma has all the best information on nutrition..
Food was less processed and packaged and it was chemical free in the past.We should use this criteria for our own food choices.our grandparents and great grand parents had only real,whole,nutritious food.They had no processed or plastic alternatives.No gimmicks,no imposter-Just the real deal.They also had tighter budgets,and a tighter budget meant less food,smaller potions and no overeating.This is the profile of DIVINE EATING.
The first place to start with lifestyle changes is the bible. The word of God.
What did grandma eat?And what did her grandma eat? ...........I bet you can't really think back that far,perhaps you could imagine.picture your stereotypical white-haired and wrinklied grandma full of wise advice and all the answers.for the most part,this grandma has all the best information on nutrition..
Food was less processed and packaged and it was chemical free in the past.We should use this criteria for our own food choices.our grandparents and great grand parents had only real,whole,nutritious food.They had no processed or plastic alternatives.No gimmicks,no imposter-Just the real deal.They also had tighter budgets,and a tighter budget meant less food,smaller potions and no overeating.This is the profile of DIVINE EATING.
"I disciple my body and bring it into subjection."(1 corinthians9:27).
EAT AND EXERCISE...........When you start making changes,your body will probably resist change at first.If you get on a routine,your body will get used to it.MAKE HEALTHY EATING A PART OF YOUR ROUTINE.Eat smaller potions and let your body get used to it.(the diagram above shows potion size).
Think about the law of sowing and reaping in relationship to your diet.Galatians6:8 says,"He who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption."If you sow to your flesh by eating anything you want to eat,and if you don't exercise,you're going to corrupt your body.But if you sow to the spirit,you will reap life.Galatians6:9 encourages us by saying,"let us not grow weary while doing good,for in due season we will reap if we do not lose heart.
Each of you should know how to posses his own vessel in sanctification and honor.(1 Thessalonians 4:4)
DEDICATION(Honor God with your body)
INSPIRATION(Motivate yourself for change)
EAT AND EXERCISE(Managing your habits) You've probably heard the adage that if you fail to plan,you plan to fail.You can have all the goals in the world,but if you don't have a plan to reach them,you'll never reach your goals.
Maybe you don't know what your goal should be.James1:5 says,'If any lack wisdom,let him ask of God,who gives to all liberally and without reproach,and it will be given to him."Whenever we are in a quandary,we can ask God for wisdom.Ask God to lead you.
Tuesday, 29 January 2013
EAT MORE......NOT LESS.......
And He said to me,"My grace is sufficient for you,for my strength is made perfect in weakness"(2corinthians12:9).
DO THIS;Contrary to common diet practices,including starving yourself and omitting entire food groups,Divine Eaters eat more and weight less by making informed food choices.
A Divine Eater eats five to six small meals a day by choosing from a cornucopia of LEAN PROTEINS,COMPLEX CRABS,and by AVOIDING STARCHY,SUGARY,EMPTY-CALORIE,INDUSTRIALIZED AND HIGH-FAT FOODS.
Eating several smaller meals of lean protein(e.g chicken breast)and complex crabs(e.g brown rice) with a bottle of perfect cocktail daily,will fire up your metabolism,marking you a highly functioning FAT -BURNING MACHINE.Your entire body will thank you and you will be amazed at how good you look and feel.
Be sober!Be on alert!Your adversary the devil is prowling around like a wounded lion,looking for anyone he can devour(1 peter5:8).
KEYS TO DIVINE HEALTH..........D....I.....E....T.
DEDICATION(Honor God with your body)
INSPIRATION(Motivate yourself for change>>>You will have to recognize that there is going to be a fight between the old unhealthy body and the new changing body!YOU WILL GET HUNGRY.YOU WILL GET LAZY.YOU WILL WANT TO GIVE UP.That is the time to remind yourself why you are doing this at all.Remember:
>You will feel better.
>You will have more energy.
>You will have fewer pains.
>You will look better.
>You will gain strength spiritually.
>You will live as if your body is the temple of God.
Monday, 28 January 2013
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.(Philippians 4:13).
KEYS TO DIVINE HEALTH>>>>D......I.....E.....T.
D>>>DEDICATION(Honor God with your body)
I>>>>INSPIRATION (Motivating yourself for change)one huge reason why people set out to lose weight but fail is because they have unrealistic goals for weight loss.Of course,magazines and television,weigh loss camps and a host of other unrealistic information causes us to believe that you set out to lose weight and it just falls of.You have probably discovered it's not true.And when we don't reach the unrealistic goals we've set,we become discouraged and reach for the SMALL CHOPS,CAKES AND SODAS!To dull our discouragement.
We have to get real,even if we lose weight,most of us are not going to look like the models in the in magazines or even the people in weight loss ads.We have to learn to accept our bodies.When you lose weight,you won't suddenly have blue eyes and curly hair-unless you had them before you lost weight.You probably won't have fabulous six pack abs even if you exercise alot.But you will love better than you do in your overweight condition,and you will definitely feel better.So get real about what losing weight is going to do for you.Keep this in mind......ACTION DRIVES MOTIVATION.
SPIRITUAL MOTIVATION FOR CHANGE:1.Rely on God-The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak"matt 26:41)2.Refine your attitude-"As he thinks in his heart,so is he"(prov.23:7)Do not reject your body.accept it and work on it to be better.3.Read the bible everything-The bible is the LIVING WORD THAT BRINGS HEALTH.FEED YOUR MIND WITH HEALTHY THOUGHTS JUST AS YOU FEED YOUR BODY WITH HEALTHY FOOD.4.Read health related books or materials every day.
EAT THIS>>>>>>>>BROWN RICE!Rice is not naturally white and isn't meant to be white if you were to ask mother nature.
Saturday, 26 January 2013
I will lift up my eyes unto the hills,from whence cometh my help.My help cometh from the lord,who made heaven and earth.(Psalm121:1-2).
DEDICATION>>>>>Honor God with your body.
INSPIRATION>>>>>Motivating yourself for change>>>>Where can we find inspiration?The bible contains the inspiration we need for all the challenges of life,including the challenge of losing weight.Denying yourself,taking your cross and following Jesus should be a huge inspiration for change.You have to realize that it is not going to be easy,to have to lose a favorite part of your life-EATING LOTS OF FOOD!
There is a war going on between the Lord Jesus and Satan over you and your body.Satan does not want you to succeed in weight loss or anything else that will make you more effective for God.SATAN IS A THIEF WHO WILL ROB YOU OF YOUR HEALTH.He will do anything he can to discourage john 10:10,Jesus says"The thief does not come except to steal,and to kill,and to destroy."But there is good news in the rest of the verse.Jesus says,"I have come that they may have life,and that they may have it more abundantly".
The enemy of our souls is as interested in us being overweight,without energy and unhealthy as God is in us being at the right weight,having energy and becoming healthy.We are not going to be our most effective in Gods kingdom if we cannot function at peak physical efficiency.
1.Quit yo-yo dieting.Lack of food snuffs out the pilot light that fires your metabolism,sending it to hibernation
2.Eat more high-quality foods.
3.Supplement with a good quality vitamin.
4.Eat spicy foods,cayenne paper,cinnamon and turmeric.
5.Ditch the soda right now.
6.Have a bottle of perfect cocktail daily!.
Friday, 25 January 2013
Combine lean protein and complex crabs at every meal-adding vegetables to the egg whites fits with the principle of combining protein with complex crabs
Take lots of water to hydrate and do not forget your 'perfect cocktail' to speed up metabolism..
The thief does not come except to steal,and to kill,and to destroy.I have come that they may have life,and that they may have it more abundantly.John10:10.
D.....DEDICATION(Honer God with your body).
I.......INSPIRATION(Motivating your self for change).
INSPIRATION<<<<<<Most of us know that we need to get healthier.The problem is that we are not motivated to do anything about it other than talk about it;and once in a while,we get started and then give up within a week or two when we are not satisfied with the results.Weight loss is about lifestyle change,and it won't happen unless you are inspired to take those first steps and then stay with the program
Some of us become inspired with the doctors report that tells us if we do not lose weight,we will lose our life!that will not be our potion in Jesus name.Some of us get sick of not being able to tie our shoes without huffing and puffing over a big stomach.Others have an event to attend for which they want to lose weight.It does not matter what the inspiration is,the important part is to find out what works for you and get going on a plan.DO NOT LET SATAN THE THIEF,STEAL YOUR JOY OF GOOD HEALTH AND A FIT BODY, OFFERING YOU CANDY BARS,BAKED TREATS...... ON A REGULAR BASIS,FIND LIFE IN JESUS BY REPLACING WITH LIVING FOODS...... APPLES,PEARS,CARROTS........
Thursday, 24 January 2013
Healthy habits begins in our head,Weight loss begins in our head and our heart!We have to realize that our body is not for GRATIFICATION OF SELF,but for the GLORIFICATION OF GOD.God wants to be magnified in us.Paul said,"According to my earnest expectation and my hope that in nothing i shall be ashamed,but with all boldness,as always,so now also Christ will be magnified in my body,whether by life or by death"TO BRING BELIEF AND BEHAVIOR TOGETHER,YOU NEED TO APPLY DEDICATION.
1.Avoid calorie-dense foods that contain little or no nutritional value..
2.Avoid all over-processed food,refined foods,especially white flour and sugar.
3.Avoid all saturated fat.
4.Avoid alcohol another form of sugar.
5.Increase your consumption of fruits and vegetable daily to about 6 servings for adequate fiber,vitamins and enzymes.
6.Have a bottle of perfect cocktail daily.
Draw Near TO God,And HE Will Draw Near To You.(James 4:8).
If we are going to dedicate our bodies to GOD,we are going to have to listen to the Holy Spirit's prompting every time we approach FOOD-and that includes when we are shopping.We can not say,"it's my body,i can do what i want with it."If you have dedicated your body to God,then it is no longer yours even in your choice of food!So,no,you can't do what you want with it.Your god should not be your belly(philippians3:19)truthfully,our belly is often all about what self wants to do.If your belly is in control of your eating and your life,you are engaging in a form of idolatry You are bowing down to your appetite and making it a god.IF YOU WANT TO STAY FIT,HEALTHY AND LOSE WEIGHT,STOP LETTING YOUR BELLY BE YOUR god.There is no need to pretend,admit it and hand it over to the Holy Spirit..
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight,O Lord,my strength and my redeemer.(psalm 19:14).
Keys to Divine Health:D..I..E..T!
D....Dedication:Honor God with your body:Many of us have a gap between our beliefs and our behavior.
we know what is right,but we don't do it.James said,"Therefore,to him who knows to do good and does not do it,to him is sin"(Jas,4:17).
You have to recognise your abusive eating for what it is-SIN!You have to bring your beliefs and behavior together.The first step is to dedicate your eating to God.NO MORE PLAYING GAMES OF"THIS ONE BITE WON'T HURT"OR,AM BUYING THESE TREATS FOR THE KIDS,BUT I WON'T TOUCH IT"You have to deal with this behavior have to learn to honor God with your body In Romans 12:1-2,Paul wrote,"I beseech you therefor,brethren,by the mercies of God,that you present your bodies a living sacrifice,holy,acceptable to God,which is your reasonable service.And do not be conformed to this world,but be transformed by the renewing of your mind,that you may prove what is good and acceptable and perfect will of God..
So,take your everyday ordinary life-your SLEEPING,EATING,GOING-TO WORK,AND WALKING AROUND LIFE-and place it before God,Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for Him,IF WE ARE NOT TO BE CONFORMED TO THIS WORLD,WE HAVE TO RECOGNIZE THE WORLD'S VIEW OF FOOD AND EATING.AND ASK THE HOLY SPIRIT FOR DIRECTION.
1.Eat 5 to 6 small meals a day.
2.Eat every two to three hours.
3.Never miss a meal especially breakfast.
4.Stick to potion sizes.
5.Drink at least 2 liters,or 8 cups,of water daily.
6.Avoid sugar-loaded soft drink and juices,take a bottle of body perfect cocktail daily.
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
The lord is my strength and my song,and HE has become my salvation;HE is my GOD,and i will praise HIM.(exodus 15:2).
....D......I.......E.......T...........KEYS TO DIVINE HEALTH
D:dedication:honor God with your body;The bible says "The flesh is weak"(mat 26:41)that is probably an understatement.Our flesh is weak when it comes to EATING and EXERCISING.The bible also says if you walk in the spirit,you won't fulfill the lust of the flesh.That simply means that you allow God's Holy Spirit to control you and your intense desire for something
HOW?If the Holy Spirit guides us in our character(attitude,dressing,relationship),etc,then HE can also guide us when we SIT DOWN TO EAT!HE can help us make good choices,what to eat and the quantity.If you want a body for Jesus,a body FIT for the Masters use,you will no longer stuff whatever you crave into your month with wide abandon,You will stop and think about what you want to eat.......As children of the most High God,we know that all things are permissible,but is it beneficial?I can afford to eat shawama and wash it down with a bottle of sugar loaded soft drink......but how good is that for my health and waist line.We need wisdom and wisdom don't come easily expect we ask........we need to ask from the great source.HOLY SPIRIT.
You have tried on your own to LOSE WEIGHT,EAT RIGHT,EXERCISE,and is not just working......from one soup diet today to starvation diet tomorrow,why not give it to Jesus to handle,Simple!His name is above every other name including OBESITY,DIABETICS,CANCER etc,Do not let the devil steal your joy of good health and a fit body.
1.Instead of using mayonnaise/butter on bread,use avocado pear.
2.Instead of eating lots of beef,eat lots of chicken and some fish.
3.Instead of fried foods eat grilled or baked foods..
4.Instead of eating canned foods,eat fresh or frozen foods.
5.Instead of using sugar in your tea,oats or cereal,use STE VIA(A sweetener that has a positive effect on blood sugar levels.
6.Instead of canned or bottled fruit juice,take a bottle of body perfect cocktail daily..
Monday, 21 January 2013
Walk in the spirit,and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh(Galatians5:6).
Keys to Divine Health.
Dedication:Honor God with your body.Dedication is important in eating right.we must dedicate our body to God if we are ever going to have a BODY4JESUS..when you dedicate your body to GOD,you now"WALK IN THE SPIRIT"and when you walk in the spirit,you will not fulfill the "LUST OF THE FLESH"what. else could be called eating a plate of white rice,fried plantain,fried chicken with the skin,and a bottle of sugar loaded soft drink 2 times daily,everyday!TERRIBLE!This is the meaning of"FULFILLING THE LUST OF THE FLESH.We have to acknowledge what we are doing before we can begin to change.
Now,this is not an easy task,you have to bring God's Holy Spirit into your life when it comes to eating right and exercise.You have to depend on the Holy Spirit to guide you in your food choices.
1.Instead of ice cream,eat non fat yogurt
2.Instead of eating no fruit,start with an apple a day.
3.Instead of vegetable oil,use olive oil.(a monounsaturated oil-a good kind of fat!).
4.Instead of white whole grain bread..
5.Instead of sodas,diet sodas,DRINK WATER,and a bottle of PERFECT COCKTAIL daily..
Now the God of grace,who called you to His eternal glory in Christ Jesus,will personally restore,establish,strengthen and support you.(1st peter 5:10).
God major focus is to help deliver people from the bondage of sickness and disease into the promised land of of the major ways of doing this is through our diet.
Keys to Divine Health.D.........I.........E.........T.
3.Eat and exercise.
Saturday, 19 January 2013
Be alert,stand firm in your faith,be brave and strong.(1corinthians 16:13).
God has a plan for every aspect of your life,including your FOOD,FITNESS,and your FAITH.But God will not force His plan on you,on the contrary, HE has given you the ability to make choices.The consequences of those choices help determine the quality and the tone of your life.To make that decision,we sure need Jesus so you can have the grace to EAT RIGHT............HEALTH IS A GIFT FROM GOD.What we do with that gift is determined,to a surprising extent,by the person we see every time we gaze into the mirror.If we squander our health by eating wrong,processed,chemical laced food made by man,we are on our own,and we do a profound disservice to ourselves and to our loved ones.Reduce your intake of man made foods and sugar loaded soft drinks,man made foods like WHITE BREAD,POLISHED RICE,BAKED TREATS,the list goes on................and switch to WHOLE FOODS like NATURAL BROWN RICE,just the way GOD made it,WHOLE GRAIN BREAD,FRUITS..............
Acquire wisdom-how much better it is than gold!And acquire understanding-it is preferable to sliver.(proverbs16:17),
Pursuing a healthier lifestyle should not be a Fad but a forever life plan.
Health is defined by the world health organization-as physical,mental,social,spiritual and emotional well being;not just the absence of disease.'
Divine health is based on the concept of WHOLENESS.This is health that takes into account emotional,psychological,and spiritual factors.when all aspect of a persons being are strong,vibrant,filled with energy,and free of disease,that person is moving towards WHOLENESS.
God is very much interested in WHAT we eat and HOW we eat,this is why HE gave us a land created with brooks of water,grains,fruits.oils.flocks,and was also flowing with milk and honey.(Deuteronomy6:3:8:7-10)but abuse and waste is not allowed,so there are commandments and when these commandments are not kept,there are consequences,which comes in form of sickness and diseases.TESTIMONIES
Perfect cocktail.................The cocktail is a wonderful drink,apart from my weight that dropped;my monthly menstrual cramps stopped.Angela,from Lagos.
"I find it very difficult to break a sweat,but since i started taking the cocktail,i sweat easily and started to see result from my exercise".Chika from Abuja..
"If you are scared of getting sick or catching disease,make the cocktail part of your diet."Emeka from warri.
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
Upon rising:One large glass of warm water and lemon.
2 medium apples.
A cup of wulong tea.
5 egg whites after 45 min exercise.
Brown rice and vegetable.
A piece of large snail or medium size bush meat(like the size of your palm) or fish.
Snacks:handful of almonds,2 medium carrots or one large cucumber,30 red grapes or 2 oranges.
A small bowl of cereal(i love fruit and fiber) with almond or rice milk or oatmeal with almond or rice milk or a bowl of fresh fish pappersoup.
NOTE:eight glasses of water daily and a bottle of body perfect cleansing and healing cocktail. .(helps to curb appetite and stop sugar craving)
Take your supplements depending on your goal!.
If you have no idea of which fat burning supplements to take,call 08132164772.
NOTE:when you form a deeper relationship with God,you can start establishing healthier habits,starting now!
A wise man will hear and increase learning,and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel.(proverb1:5)
The body perfect cleansing and healing cocktail is divine(Ezekiel 47:12),100% natural,and purely herbal.The cleansing staple pure unsweetened cranberry makes it a wonderful diurectic,cholesterol zapper and detoxifier.The tongue-tinging Cayenne(India's secret to longivity)makes it a powerful thermogenic and energizer,the universal medicine"ginger"helps support liver function,clear up clogged arteries and lowers serum cholesterol levels.
Need i say more!Wu long tea(Chinese secret to longevity)helps burn abdominal fat and enhance complexion.........and more,all in a bottle of body perfect cleansing and healing cocktail drink.THIS IS YOUR VISA TO SOUND HEALTH!One bottle a day will sure keep disease away.
Sunday, 13 January 2013
This breakthrough drink"body perfect cleansing and healing cocktail contains ingredients designed to flush out toxins,trigger fat and weight loss and keep the body clear of free radicals
The liver is strongly affected by a poor diet,in fact a liver overloaded with pollutants and toxins is the number one weightloss roadblock.Excess fat,suger,alcohol and caffine along with antidepressants and birth control pills work to sabotage your weight loss efforts by creating a tired and toxic liver that can't efficiently burn body fat.The body perfect healing and cleansing cocktail is designed to clean out the liver and help drop a dress size or two in relatively short time.
This groundbreaking drink doesn't stop at flushing fat,others have also reported improved circulation,increase energy,stabilize mood swings,induces sound sleep and help to lessen depression and anxiety.They also report lower cholesterol(as much as 30 points) and balanced triglyceride levels.In addition,the added bonus of internal cleansing provides unexpected mental and emotional benefits.A clean body translates into a clearer thinking and men alertness.
The body perfect cleansing and healing cocktail accelerate fat loss from the body's favorite fat storage area-THE TUMMY.
Saturday, 12 January 2013
If you do not stand firm in your faith,then you will not stand at all.Isaiah7:9.
Lemons:They are high in vitamin C,supplying four times more than the primary water-soluble antioxidant in the body,vitamin C travels through the system,preventing cellular damage and cholesterol buildup by zapping any free radicals it has an essential oil called limonene.This oil has been shown to shrink cancerous tumors,detoxify carcinogens in the body,and stimulate the healthy flow of lymph fluids. Lemons assist in the digestive process by producing necessary enzymes,invigorating the gall bladder and liver,and promoting the absorption of protein and minerals from foods..
Thursday, 10 January 2013
colossians1:16 says that"all things were created through Him and for Him"that means every thing in heaven,everything on earth,everything visible and everything invisible.HE set up thrones,dominions,rulers and authorities.Everything that exists has been created by Christ and for HIM..............even your body.God is your creator,so respect HIM with your body!EAT RIGHT.
consumption of tomatoes,you will take a big step forward flushing your fat and improving your health.
Tuesday, 1 January 2013
Fat Flush Foods.
Fat flush foods;cayenne.
cayenne has been used as both food and does more than create a tongue-tinging's loded with vitamins C,B,and A and also contains calcium,phosphorus,and of the richest source of vitamin E,cayenne helps keep the heart healthy and strong.and it's bright red color suggests it provides us with immune-boosting beta-carotene,one of the most important antioxidants in the body.Cayenne offers additional valve as a painkiller(especially against the discomfort of arthritis.)an antiseptic,and a digestive aid.Check out the body perfect healing and cleansing cocktail,it has the dose of cayenne for a day.
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