Thursday, 5 May 2016

BEWARE OF STIMULANTS! !! !!!. Memory verse: WINE IS A MOCKER,STRONG DRINK IS RAGING:AND WHOSOEVER IS DECEIVED THEREBY IS NOT WISE. PROVERBS 20:1. Beloved,please chew on this memory verse and digest it very well. Are you trying to lose weight and still hooked on alcohol?Do not be deceived,it is going to be a fruitless journey. Alcohol as far as your body is concerned is chemically similar to drinking any foam of alcohol will set off the blood sugar seesaw that promotes weight gain. And that is even before you begin to consider the calorie content of the drink itself, WHICH IS LIKELY TO BE VERY HIGH AND DEVOID OF ANY NUTRITIONAL BENEFIT---SO CALLED EMPTY CALORIES.IT ACTS AS A POTEN APPETITE BOOSTER SO MORE CALORIES EQUALS MORE FOOD CONSUMED! Alcohol reduces the amount of fat your body burns for energy while preventing the absorption of many of the essential nutrients needed for successful weight loss particularly the B vitamins and vitamin C. For men who yearn for a mascular physique, alcohol is bad news, as it is one of the most effective ways to slash your testosterone levels. Just a single bout of drinking raises levels of the muscle-wasting hormone cortisol and increases the breakdown of testosterone for up to 24 hours-so if you want a muscular physique and a high lipido, GUYS DITCH THE ALCOHOL! Ladies, those sips of champagne,red wine,(CONSOLING YOURSELF THAT THE DOCTOR SAID RED WINE IS GOOD FOR THE HEART AND YOU EMPTY A FULL BOOTLE,)that fat will not shift! Irish cream etc, these are the reasons the scale has refused to shift! Red wine is taged healthy because it contains RESVERATROL,FOUND MOSTLY IN RED GRAPE SKIN LOADED WITH A POWERFUL ANTIOXIDANT TO NEUTRALIZE FREE RADICALS WHICH ARE BELIEVED TO BE THE CAUSE OF AGING. MY ADVICE IS TO GO GET THE RED GRAPE AND LIVE THE ALCOHOL! YES!I know it is an addiction, but are you willing to give it up and start to enjoy DIVINE HEALTH? if yes, say this prayer PRAYER :Heavenly father, I admit this is beyond me, Holy Spirit I need your help, please take this unhealthy addiction away from me. cleanse me totally from this evil stimulant in Jesus powerful Name. Amen.

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