Friday, 13 May 2016

MOTIVATOR FOR CHANGE.3 Memory verse: WHEN YOU COME,BRING THE CLOAK I LEFT IN TROAS WITH CARPUS,AS WELL AS THE SCROLLS,ESPECIALLY THE PARCHMENTS.2 TIMOTHY4:13 Beloved, there are thousands of books and magazine on health, diet and exercise. Everyday ,try to read some kind of health-related materials to feed your mind a little bit and get you thinking about what you need to be thinking about. We have a model in our brother in the LORD,APOSTLE PAUL, whom from the memory verse shows he read other books along side the great parchments(which is todays bible.) HOSEA 4:6"MY PEOPLE PERISH FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE." Today, there is no excuse for anyone to lack knowledge about anything, much less about health issues. We are in the middle of the greatest explosion of knowledge the world has ever seen. Information can go round the world with the speed of light. Go to the internet and put in any health-related issues you can think of and up will come hundreds of site where you can get information. Of course you have to be careful what kind of information you are accessing and using, so once again, RELY ON THE HOLY SPIRIT TO GUIDE YOU TO THE BEST OF INFORMATION. Book shops have huge sections crammed with health-related and weight loss information. ONCE AGAIN,BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU PUT IN YOUR MIND.CHOOSE THAT WHICH "RENEWS THE MIND." Once you get your newly acquired knowledge put it to work ,creating a better body for God. Stop making the wrong choices .Stop making excess. Start today to become a better you. FAT FLUSH FOOD:CUCUMBER. This fresh tasting vegetable adds crunch and fiber to any meal, while offering plenty of vitamin C, silica, potassium and helps build strong muscles, tendons and bones. Studies have shown that minerals in cucumber can fight hypertension by reducing systolic blood pressure by at least 5 helps hydrate the body and reduce excess water weight. PRAYER: Heavenly father, i confess I have no knowledge of my own, HolySpirit, give me understanding and direct me to where I can get the best information concerning my issues in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen

Monday, 9 May 2016



Thursday, 5 May 2016


Memory verse: THE THIEF DOES NOT COME EXCEPT TO STEAL,AND TO KILL,AND TO DESTROY.I HAVE COME THAT THEY MAY HAVE LIFE,AND THAT THEY HAVE IT MORE ABUNDANTLY. JOHN 10:10. Beloved, satan the devil wants to take over your body, that is his fight, his struggle and utmost desire, but thank God for Jesus. Satan does not want you to succeed in your weigh loss journey and anything else that will make you more effective for God. SATAN IS A THIEF WHO ROBS PEOPLE OF GOOD HEALTH. He will do everything he can to discourage you, he come to steal ,kill and destroy, but there is good news in Jesus, who has come to give us life, MORE ABUNDANTLY.(LIFE PRESENT IN GREAT QUATITY,MORE THAN ADEQUATE,OVERSUFFICIENT,WELL SUPPLIED) Jesus has got everything we need to give us a new life--ONE THAT WORKS FOR HIM,ONE THAT IS ABLE TO DO HIS WILL,ONE THAT IS ETERNAL. Satan the thief has crawled into so many lives through TOO MUCH FOOD AND LITTLE OR NO EXERCISE. Satan has stolen people's good health for diabetes, cancer, obesity, heart disease, the list goes on. He is killing people with a knife and a fork. He is interested in making people overweight, without energy and unhealthy. Beloved, we are not going to be our most effective in God's kingdom if we can not function at peak capacity. Beloved ,do not let the inspiration to lose weight and stay fit come from the doctor's report, it might be too late, or you just discovered that you can not tie up your shoes without huffing and puffing ,over a big stomach, that is a terrible ,or maybe you always wait for an event before you quickly look for a quick fix, PLEASE DO NOT GIVE SATAN A CHANCE, your inspiration should come from JESUS, because you want to enjoy His promises of abundant life. Do not listen to the lies of the devil that your body does not matter, it is only your heart ,remember, it is your body that house the heart and it has to be in good condition. Start making small steps to life in your diet and exercise routine and begin to reduce your waistline line. It is not complicated, it is not costly, all it takes is DETERMINATION AND COMMITMENT. Instead of buying that plantain chips, please buy an apple. PRAYER: Heavenly father, shine your light through my body, your temple and uproot every desire for the wrong food in Jesus Name. Amen.
ATTITUDE! ATTITUDE!! ATTITUDE!!! Memory verse: FOR AS HE THINKS WITHIN HIMSELF,SO HE IS........PROVERBS 23:7. Beloved, one of the first thing in starting a weight loss or a journey towards healthy living is to REFINE YOUR ATTITUDE. The bible says as he thinks in his heart so he is, in other words, YOUR ATTITUDE NOT YOUR APTITUDE DETERMINES YOUR ALTITUDE IN LIFE. You need to work on some negative attitude. How do you see your body? Some of us look at our bodies and begin to complain "Why did God make me look like this?" Most overweight people suffer from low self esteem. Most people want to look like BARBIE DOLLS,SKINNY HOLLYWOOD CELEBRITES;NO ACNE,IMPOSSIBLE TO ACHIEVE LOOKS AND SHAPES FORGETTING THAT A BARBIE DOLL IS PLASTIC AND 90% OF THE HOLLYWOOD CELEBRITES YOU SEE ON THE MAGAZINE HAVE BEEN WORKED ON WITH COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY. God gave you your body and no matter how much you try to change it through weight loss ,exercise, surgery ,you are still stuck with the basic frame work you were born with ,the best thing you can do is to LEARN TO LOVE YOUR BODY, YOUR SHAPE, TREAT IT WELL,AND REALIZE IT IS THE TEMPLE OF GOD. AN APPLE SHAPE THA WANTS TO LOOK LIKE HER CARROT SHAPE FRIEND WILL END IN FUSTRATION AND DEPRESSION. The key is BALANCE ! we are to love our body, but not to make it an idol that consumes our thinking and our time. Remember ,WE ARE FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE(PSALM 139:12). HONOR GOD WITH YOUR BODY,THANK HIM FOR HIS WORK OF CREATION,EAT RIGHT AND TREAT YOUR BODY RIGHT. PRAYER:HEAVENLY FATHER,I THANK YOU FOR MAKING ME IN YOUR IMAGE AND LIKENESS,I ASK FOR GRACE TO TRAET MY BODY RIGHT AND EAT RIGHT TO THE GLORY OF YOUR NAME IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME.AMEN.
BEWARE OF STIMULANTS! !! !!!. Memory verse: WINE IS A MOCKER,STRONG DRINK IS RAGING:AND WHOSOEVER IS DECEIVED THEREBY IS NOT WISE. PROVERBS 20:1. Beloved,please chew on this memory verse and digest it very well. Are you trying to lose weight and still hooked on alcohol?Do not be deceived,it is going to be a fruitless journey. Alcohol as far as your body is concerned is chemically similar to drinking any foam of alcohol will set off the blood sugar seesaw that promotes weight gain. And that is even before you begin to consider the calorie content of the drink itself, WHICH IS LIKELY TO BE VERY HIGH AND DEVOID OF ANY NUTRITIONAL BENEFIT---SO CALLED EMPTY CALORIES.IT ACTS AS A POTEN APPETITE BOOSTER SO MORE CALORIES EQUALS MORE FOOD CONSUMED! Alcohol reduces the amount of fat your body burns for energy while preventing the absorption of many of the essential nutrients needed for successful weight loss particularly the B vitamins and vitamin C. For men who yearn for a mascular physique, alcohol is bad news, as it is one of the most effective ways to slash your testosterone levels. Just a single bout of drinking raises levels of the muscle-wasting hormone cortisol and increases the breakdown of testosterone for up to 24 hours-so if you want a muscular physique and a high lipido, GUYS DITCH THE ALCOHOL! Ladies, those sips of champagne,red wine,(CONSOLING YOURSELF THAT THE DOCTOR SAID RED WINE IS GOOD FOR THE HEART AND YOU EMPTY A FULL BOOTLE,)that fat will not shift! Irish cream etc, these are the reasons the scale has refused to shift! Red wine is taged healthy because it contains RESVERATROL,FOUND MOSTLY IN RED GRAPE SKIN LOADED WITH A POWERFUL ANTIOXIDANT TO NEUTRALIZE FREE RADICALS WHICH ARE BELIEVED TO BE THE CAUSE OF AGING. MY ADVICE IS TO GO GET THE RED GRAPE AND LIVE THE ALCOHOL! YES!I know it is an addiction, but are you willing to give it up and start to enjoy DIVINE HEALTH? if yes, say this prayer PRAYER :Heavenly father, I admit this is beyond me, Holy Spirit I need your help, please take this unhealthy addiction away from me. cleanse me totally from this evil stimulant in Jesus powerful Name. Amen.